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Oil India Limited to recruit for 421 Workpersons, apply at

Oil India Limited has invited applications for recruitment of workpersons. Eligible candidates can apply online through the official website of OIL at This recruitment drive will fill up 421 posts in the organization.

Oil India Limited to recruit for 421 Workpersons, apply at

The last date to apply is till January 30, 2024. Read below for eligibility, selection process and other details.

Candidates who want to apply for the post can check the educational qualification and age limit through the Detailed Notification available here.

Only those candidates, who fulfill the eligibility criteria mentioned in this advertisement/notification as on the crucial date will be called for the Computer Based Test (CBT). The selection process shall consist of a Computer Based Test (CBT) wherein the qualifying marks will be minimum 40% marks for SC/ST/Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (wherever reservation is applicable) and minimum 50% marks for others. Final selection will be made in order of merit on the basis of the marks obtained in the Computer Based Test (CBT) only.

For General/OBC candidate(s): 200/- as online application fee exclusive of GST and payment gateway/bank charges. The online application fee is non-refundable. SC/ST/EWS/Persons with Benchmark Disabilities/Ex-Servicemen candidate(s) are exempted from paying the online application fee. For more related details candidates can check the official website of OIL.

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