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JKBOSE Board exam 2024: Class 10th registration process begins tomorrow

The Jammu and Kashmir Board of School Education (JKBOSE) will begin registrations for the Class 10 exams of 2024 tomorrow, November 29. Students can register for the JKBOSE Class 10 exams through the official website, The last date for submission of the class 10th examination form is December 13.

Registrations for JKBOSE Class 11 and 12 to start from December 2, last date to register is December 16(File)

For candidates, the cost is 1120 for five required subjects and 1320 for extra optional subjects. For the Class 10 first count of ten days, the window for submitting the forms with late fees will begin on December 14 and conclude on December 23, 2023; for the Class 10 second count of ten days, the window will open on December 24 and close on January 2, 2024.

The registrations for JKBOSE Class 11, and 12 will start from December 2, 2023. The last date to register for classes 11th and 12th is December 16.

Follow the steps given below to register for JKBOSE Class 10 exams 2024.

Visit the official website at

Download and take a printout of the same for further reference.

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