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HLOOKUP in Excel & Google Sheets

HLOOKUP, short for Horizontal Lookup, is a function used in Excel and Google Sheets to search for data across the first row of a table and return a corresponding value from a different column in the same row.

Here’s a breakdown of HLOOKUP and its components:

Function Syntax:

=HLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, row_index_number, [is_sorted])


  • lookup_value: The value you want to find in the first row of the table. This can be a text string, number, or a reference to another cell.
  • table_array: The range of cells containing the data you want to search. This includes the first row with header information and the data itself.
  • row_index_number: The row number within the table_array from which you want to return the value. The first row (containing the lookup values) is considered row 1.
  • [is_sorted]: (Optional) A logical value indicating whether the first row of the table_array is sorted in ascending order. TRUE for sorted, FALSE for not sorted (default).


  1. Identify your data:
    • Ensure your data is organized in a table format with the lookup values in the first row.
  2. Insert the formula:
    • Click on the cell where you want the result to appear.
    • Type =HLOOKUP( and enter the arguments as described above.
  3. Complete the formula:
    • Close the parenthesis after each argument and press Enter.
    • Excel/Google Sheets will search for the lookup_value in the first row and return the value from the specified row_index_number.

Important Notes:

  • If the lookup_value is not found, HLOOKUP returns an #N/A error.
  • Using the is_sorted argument with TRUE can improve performance if your data is indeed sorted in ascending order.
  • Be cautious with relative vs. absolute cell references when copying the formula across cells.
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HLOOKUP searches horizontally across rows, while VLOOKUP searches vertically down a column. Choose the appropriate function based on how your data is organized.

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