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Delivery Challan Format in Excel

A delivery challan, also known as a dispatch challan or delivery slip, is a document used in business transactions to track the movement of goods from one location to another. It berfungsi (functions) as a record of the items being delivered, but it’s not necessarily a sales invoice.

Here’s a breakdown of key points about delivery challans:

  • Purpose: Tracks goods during transport, even if there’s no sale involved.
  • Issued by: The seller or supplier of the goods.
  • Sent with: The delivered goods.
  • Information included: Typically includes details like:
    • Date and challan number
    • Names, addresses, and GSTIN (if applicable) of sender and receiver
    • HSN code (harmonized system nomenclature) for the goods
    • Description of the goods, quantity, and rate
    • Taxable amount (if applicable)
    • GST rate (if applicable)
    • Place of supply (for interstate transport)
    • Signature of authorized person at the seller’s company
  • Difference from invoice: A delivery challan doesn’t necessarily indicate a sale has taken place, whereas an invoice does.

Here are some common scenarios where a delivery challan might be used:

  • Transferring goods between a company’s branches or warehouses
  • Sending goods on approval basis (where the recipient decides to buy later)
  • Delivering goods for further processing or work (e.g., job work)
  • Transporting goods in parts or unassembled form

Here is a delivery challan format in Excel that you can customize for your use:

Delivery Challan

Company Information:

  • Company Name: [Your Company Name]
  • Address: [Your Company Address]
  • Contact Information: [Your Company Phone Number, Email Address]

Delivery Challan Information:

  • Delivery Challan Number: [Unique number for this delivery challan]
  • Date: [Date of delivery]
  • Customer Name: [Customer Name]
  • Customer Address: [Customer Address]
  • Order Number: [Order number associated with this delivery]
See also  Quick Analysis Tool Excel


Item DescriptionQuantityUnit PriceTotal Amount
[Item 1 description][Quantity of item 1][Unit price of item 1][Total amount for item 1 (quantity x unit price)]
[Item 2 description][Quantity of item 2][Unit price of item 2][Total amount for item 2 (quantity x unit price)]
Total:[Sum of total amounts for all items]

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Additional Information:

  • Driver Name: [Driver’s name]
  • Driver Signature: _______________________________
  • Customer Signature: _______________________________ (Signature to acknowledge receipt of goods)


  • You can add additional columns to the table as needed, such as item code, serial number, or batch number.
  • You can also add a section for special instructions or delivery notes.
  • Be sure to save the Excel file in a format that can be easily shared with your customers.


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