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CLAT 2024 counselling: First allotment list releasing today at

Consortium of NLUs will release CLAT 2023 counselling first allotment list on December 26, 2023. Candidates who have registered themselves for the counselling round can check the list through the official website of Consortium of NLUs at The list will be released at 10 am today.

CLAT 2024 counselling: First allotment list releasing today at

The payment of the Confirmation Fee to Consortium for Freeze and Float options and Admission by NLUs for the First Allotment List will open on December 26 and will close on January 2, 2024.

To check the allotment list, candidates can follow the steps given below.

As per the official notice, an eligible candidate who has been allotted a seat as per their indicated NLU preferences will be required to pay a non-refundable Confirmation Fee of Rs. 20,000/- (Rupees Twenty thousand only) prior to selecting a ‘Freeze’ or ‘Float’ option in the First, Second and Third rounds of counselling. A candidate needs to pay the Confirmation Fee only once in the entire Admissions and Counselling Process. For more related details candidates can check the official website of Consortium of NLUs.

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