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BPSC TRE admit card 2023: Exam centre details today on | Competitive Exams

Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) issued admit cards of the School Teacher recruitment Examination (BPSC TRE 2.0) on December 3 and today, December 5, it will announce details of examination centres. On admit cards, the commission has mentioned exam centre districts and codes. After the list is released, candidates can confirm the name and address of their TRE phase 2 exam centres.

BPSC TRE phase 2 exam centre details today on (HT File Photo/Santosh Kumar)

“Details of Examination Centres will be available from 05/12/2023. Candidates who have wrong photograph uploaded on Admit Card, are provided a last chance on 5th-6th December, 2023 to rectify it,” reads a message displayed on

If error remains in photo or signature even after the deadline, such candidates have to download the declaration form from the commission’s website, fill it, paste their color photographs and get it attested by a competent government official.

On the examination day, they have to bring this declaration form and admit cards, which will be verified on the exam day and entry inside the exam venue will be permitted, the commission said.

BPSC TRE phase 2 is being held for 69,706 posts of school teachers under the Education Department, Bihar, and 916 vacancies under the Backward Class Welfare Department.

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