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AIBE 18 admit card deferred, check revised dated here | Competitive Exams

The Bar Council of India (BCI) has postponed the AIBE 18 admit card release date. BCI will release the AIBE 18 hall tickets on December 3. Candidates will be able to download the AIBE 18 admit card after 5 pm. Candidates can download the AIBE 18 admit card from the official website at

AIBE 18 hall tickets to be released on December 3

“This is to inform you that the admit cards for AIBE-XVIII will be available for download from December 3, 2023, after 5:00 PM. The link and procedure to download the admit card will be shared soon in another notification”, reads the official website.

AIBE XVII examination will be conducted on December 10.

Follow the steps given below to download the admit card.

Check the AIBE 18 admit card and take print for future reference.

Candidates from the Open and OBC categories must score at least 45% to pass the exam. Candidates who are SC, ST, or disabled must receive at least 40 % .

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